
Dental implants

What are dental implants?

Polyclinic Medikadent primarily refers to the health and interests of our patients, which is why before making any restoration compile a treatment plan.

Everyone knows that dental implants are titanium screws that are implanted in the jaw to wear false teeth made of high-quality materials.


Quick installation of four implants in edentulous jaw

If you do not have too much time or you have very high requirements of everyday life All on Four procedure, a worldwide technology hit allows patients to say “goodbye” to prostheses in few days.

It is the rapid installation of four implants in edentulous jaw, which allows digitally designed teeth with the most modern software (CAD-CAM) days.

Guided implant surgery

New method with minimal incision and high accuracy

U našoj Poliklinici Medikadent koristimo novu metodu ugradnje implantanta koja se naziva navođena implantologija. Ona se planira pomoću računala koji uvelike pomaže da se zahvat izvede na najprecizniji način.

Budući da naša Poliklinika posjeduje 3D printer, naši zubotehničari mogu odmah izraditi posebnu kiruršku šablonu na temelju virtualnog plana zahvata. Kod nas nećete morati čekati par dana da se šablona izradi zato što je mi odmah izrađujemo u našem laboratoriju.

Dental surgery

Clean room technology for best results

Polyclinic Medikadent is one of the few clinics that uses the technology of “clean room”.

Technology “clean room” engineering is a field that deals with the protection of certain processes and areas of adverse external conditions.