1. Terms of use
Below we bring General Terms and Conditions via web page www.medikadent.com (hereinafter: the website). The owner of that website is a company Poliklinika Medikadent d.o.o. (hereinafter: Polyclinic Medikadent), Trg sv. Florijana 28, 48260 Križevci, which is publishing the content and updates the data on the website. Published content is owned by the Polyclinic Medikadent and can not be used without it’s written permission. These webpages represent products and services of Polyclinic Medikadent in a general way.
By using any of the services published on this website you agree with all the terms listed in the General Terms and Conditions and therefore will not have the right to object to them.
2. Dental services
All services listed on our website, as well as prices, serve to inform a potential patient. A patient can get an accurate information about the services after the dental examination and on the basis of exactly established necessary therapy or surgery.
3. Payment and invoicing
Dental services listed on the website Polyclinic Medikadent is performing exclusively in its own name and for its own account. Polyclinic Medikadent will issue a valid invoice for the performed dental service to a patient, and the patient is required to pay the invoice in its entirety in accordance with the agreed payment method. Costs that are not pre-planned, but there may be other necessary treatments that are not possible to be forseen, Polyclinic Medikadent is charging separately and the patient agrees to pay for them.
4. Changes and amendments
Polyclinic Medikadent reserves the right to change and to amend the General Terms and Conditions as well as website without prior notice. These changes or amendments to the terms or to the content do not affect services that patients already contracted and are already in the process, and such services will be conducted according to the original plan of treatment and prices stated in the issued invoice. 5. Obligations and responsibilities of the Polyclinic Medikadent Polyclinic Medikadent is obliged to issue a proper invoice to a patient for the performed dental care and health care activities carried out consciously and in accordance with the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.
6. Disclaimer
Polyclinic Medikadent disclaims all liability for any errors on the website occurred during the creating, data entry, or complementing of the web pages, as responsibility for any damages caused due to use of the website and / or contents. If the patient does not comply with the instructions of doctors about the necessary treatment and care, neither doctor nor Polyclinic Medikadent will be responsible for possible complications, and therefore can not issue common adequate guarantees.
The aforementioned owner of the website is not responsible for the management and content of the linked websites.
7. Obligations and responsibilities of the patient
The patient must cooperate fully with the Polyclinic Medikadent so that the healing process could implement. He must also warn doctors about all the factors that are essential for the development and implementation of treatment.
The patient is responsible to comply with the instructions given by the doctor after the treatment or surgery and is obliged to do the control examinations upon the arranged appointment (if required by the treatment). If the patient does not comply with the instructions of doctors, nor the doctor, nor the Polyclinic Medikadent won’t be liable for complications possibly resulting.
8. At the Polyclinic Medikadent, we install implants with a LIFETIME guarantee, while we give a 5-year guarantee on all prosthetics with a completely free replacement of one or more elements.
To make sure that the warranty will run without any problems, our dentists recommend the following:
• the patient should follow the doctor’s advice and recommendations
• the patient does not perform procedures in other dental offices without prior consultation with a doctor from the Polyclinic Medikadent
• the patient should come for regular check-ups (for implants, crowns and bridges 2x a year; and of course, cleaning and polishing teeth once a year, and more often if necessary)
• the patient should regularly maintain dental hygiene (twice daily brushing in the morning and evening; daily use of mouthwash; use of an interdental brush around the implants and dental floss)
• the patient should use anti-bruxism splints daily if prescribed by the doctor of Polyclinic Medikadent.
9. Jurisdiction of the court
All disputes arising will be resolved amicably between the patient and the Polyclinic Medikadent.
For all resulting disputes that can not be settled amicably, the Court in Varaždin is responsible.